Tutorial: Install Software without Admin Permission
1.) Download the software you want to install.
2.) MOVE the installer program for the software into the F-IT_Installer folder.
3.) RIGHT CLICK the F-IT_Installer.bat file and select EDIT
4.) COPY the name of the installer program and paste it to the INSTALLER NAME HERE.
Firefox Installer would look like:
Start Firefox Installer
5.) Go to FILE and SAVE.
6.) DOUBLE CLICK the Installer.bat to execute the code.
Note: An error may show up, you can ignore this error. It wont have an effect.
7.) DOUBLE CLICK on the Installer program of the software you want to install.
Note: An error or Admin password pop up will show. Just press the X in the corner.
8.) Software should start to install.
Note: Depending on the IT setup of your computer. This may or may not work. Not all software will install, due to needing specific access to a specific admin permission(s).
Enjoy, download the .bat script below.