Tutorial: Hidden Folder

Hidden Folder

1.) Download the .bat file from the download below.

2.) RIGHT CLICK and select EDIT

3.) Look for the password Welcome35

4.) Change Welcome35 to a password you would like.

5.) After you change the password, go to FILE and SAVE. And close.

6.) Open the .bat file and follow the instructions.

7.) The hidden Folder will show (named locked)

8.) Put what files you would like into it.

9.) The open the .bat file again to hide the folder.

10.) Right click the .bat and go to PROPERTIES.

11.) Check the HIDDEN selection.
This will hide the .bat

To view the hidden files in Desktop, open windows file explorer. Select VIEW and select HIDDEN ITEMS. That'll show the .bat folder locker. Then to get into the hidden folder, open the .bat and type your password and it will show.


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