Security vs. Privacy vs. Anonymity Survival Guide

What’s is difference between Security, Privacy, and Anonymity?

I get this question all the time, but it’s a good question. Companies muddy the waters with these three and some companies lie about them. You have to determine what your threat model is (ads, hackers, your internet provider, governments, etc).

Let’s get into it.


Security doesn’t mean you have privacy. Security means keeping the threat out of your stuff, but may require you give up some privacy. For example, when you put a Ring door bell on your door, you have security. But you give out information/data to the Ring company (Amazon), which may use that info as they wish (lack of privacy).

There is no such thing as the cloud. 

Just other people's computers you put your stuff on.

Side note: Currently I’m only doing Apple and Android, but will add others in the future as I get questions on them.

• If most of your family and friends use iOS devices, then Apple is a good security choice.

• If most of your family and friends don’t use iOS devices, then don’t waste your money on Apple. I would suggest an Android (Pixel).

• Good security choice for a company, as long as all employees are using iOS.

• SMS is end-to-end encrypted (between iOS only)

• Has new bug bounty program to patch security issues.

• Sends out security updates more frequently (finally) 

Security downside, iOS is a closed source OS. Which means any malware made for iOS will effect every iOS device. But so far, Apple is doing better with security updates.

• Safari browser has been improving on security (still recommend Brave or Firefox w/ Ublock Origin).

• Use a data blocker when using public charging stations. Here's one:

• I would suggest to use a firewall on your iOS device. Like this one:

• Get a good antivirus, like Malwatebtyes (not Norton).

• Good security, no matter if others you communicate with use other devices.

• Google Messenger SMS is end-to-end encrypted

• Emails are encrypted while on their server.

• Strong bug bounty program to patch security issues

• Sends out updates frequently (now has less malware available than iOS)

• Android is an open source OS, which means anyone can look at the code to improve it (iOS is closed source). Android malware has to be written to infect a specific Android OS version (Samsung, Pixel, etc). Malware written for Samsung android won't work on a Pixel device.

• A little more secure than iOS. Because of different modifications of Android and open source community. 

Also, there's more malware for iOS on the black market than Android.

• Chrome browser is very secure with a new password scanning feature to find if your passwords need to change.

 (still recommend Brave or Firefox w/ Ublock Origin)

• using Google’s safebrowsing is highly effective at preventing users from accessing a phishing site.

You can get this on a DNS. I recommend using Google's DNS, Cloudflare DNS or within NextDNS security options. Here's how:

• I would also suggest you use a firewall like this one:

Or better yet. This new firewall:

• Use a data blocker when using public charging stations. Here's one:

• Get a good antivirus, like Malwatebtyes (not Norton).


Privacy has the maximum security to get privacy. During a normal web sessions, there are anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 trackers following you online.

Using things like a no logging VPN (ProtonVpn) to stop others looking at your connection, only using HTTPS websites (encrypted and has a lock logo at the start of the URL), encrypted DNS to block trackers/ads/loggers (NextDNS), privacy apps, and privacy open source apps will improve your digital privacy.

This can be good if you're torrenting or using a streaming service in another country.

Please Note,
Privacy is NOT anonymity

Privacy hides your online activity, but not who you are online

Apple lies about their iOS device privacy.


Apple collects a lot about you, regardless of what they say. On top of that apps installed on iOS can still collect your data (Facebook, Tiktok, etc).

They’re a publicly traded corporation. 
They are not your friend!

Here’s they’re real privacy policy, not the BS they show you (had to dig it up):

Here's a PDF copy as of 10/30/21 (in case they messed with it):

This is what they collect:

Account info, device info, contacts, payment info, transactions, usage data, health info, fitness info, health info, government ID, other info you provide, and info about you from other apps you installed.

Here's their developer data collect guidelines:

Here's their privacy policy per service:

(UPDATE) What the Facebook app does on your iOS device [even if you don't have a Facebook account]:

Here's what data Apple can get from your iOS device's hardware:

This is what they do with your data they collect:

Service improvement (BS), process transactions, personal data for personalization, comply with law. They also comply with the Chinese government’s unlimited access to their servers in China (Which may have YOUR DATA). On top of that, they comply with NSA requests for drag net surveillance.

This is who they share it with:

Service Providers, Partners, Developers, Publishers, Others (meaning they'll do what they want with your data).

The only thing that makes Apple different. Is they lie to they’re customers.




If you just have to use Apple and want improved privacy, follow my privacy guide here:

I suggest throwing out the iOS & get an Android device (Pixel)

Don’t use anything Google for privacy. They don’t lie about everything like Apple does, because they don’t mention a lot of what they do. 

Which is, they are a major data broker that collects everything you have and do. They’ll buy companies to improve on their ability to collect your data (YouTube).

But the Android OS can easily be modified to make it more private (more than Apple).

Here's their court document explaining they're shady/illegal deal with Facebook:

Now, they’ve also went a long ways on improving privacy on android OS. 

Removing permissions and Google apps will help you become more private. In fact, now you don’t even need a Google account to setup or keep on an Android device. Which is the most private you can get on a stock Android OS.

Something that stock android that's great for privacy, is it allows to randomize your device's MAC address. MAC address is logged on a router that IDs your device on a network. Apple doesn't have this.

Using privacy apps, encrypted DNS, VPN on WiFi (Android lets you force all data into the VPN. Apple ain’t got that), VPN on mobile (if you're worried about fake cell towers or 5G devices signal repeater), using a permissions manager to auto remove app permissions, etc. Will help you become more private than any Apple device.

The MOST possible privacy you can get is by getting a Google Pixel and flashing GrapheneOS. 

Its de-Googled, open source, and FREE. Also easy to install guide, you can find it here:

Follow my privacy guide here for further privacy recommendations:


Anonymity is the maximum of security and privacy. But being anonymous online isn’t a user friendly task and I actually don’t recommend being anonymous all the time (I recommend being private all the time), mainly because humans are prone to mistakes.

Anonymity hides who you are online, but not what you are doing online

Being anonymous online hides your metadata (device info, browser info, etc), your connection, etc. So when you login to an account like, it'll make all your anonymous session fail.

But being anonymous online isn’t impossible.

• The biggest thing is using the Tor Browser, they are the gold standard for anonymity. If you're in a country that blocks Tor, you can use the bridge option to get to the Tor network. 

Some VPNs (ProtonVPN) can route you from their VPN server to Tor, which is the same as the bridge. The additional feature is that the exit node will only see the VPN server IP (not your device IP).

Here's a helpful video from the Tor project.

• They have apps for both Apple and Android. Note: This isn't the most anonymous way to be online.

• Android is able to be more anonymous than Apple by using VMOS and Tor. VMOS is a VM for Android. This will hide your device info and data. The app can be found here:

• The best anonymity is by using TailsOS on a PC.

• Follow my guide here, under the “government threat model” sections:

Ultimately, you have to decide what's best for you and what your threat model is. 

This is just to help you make a clear decision with honest truth.




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